Customised solutions from a single source are not only forward-looking and efficient for us. They are a matter of course.

Regardless of the service area in question: It is always the satisfaction of our customers that encourages us to do the right thing. We are characterised by optimal cooperation with our partners in combination with an outstanding team. The resulting synergies enable us to guarantee the optimum integration of different systems and installations.

The ELOMECH Group’s range of services covers a variety of business areas in professional electrical engineering: from automation to high- and low-current installations and security technology. In these areas, we supply customised solutions from a single source, which clearly set us apart from our competitors on the market and offer decisive competitive advantages for both our customers and our partners:

  • High employee qualifications and training standards
  • Strong identification of employees with their own company
  • Strictly customer-oriented organisation, one contact person for all project-related questions
  • Regular monitoring of customer satisfaction
  • Owner-managed
  • Core competences are provided exclusively by employees of the ELOMECH Group
  • Regular certifications from neutral parties confirm professional management